Course Syllabus



Health Class Course Description

Health is a one semester course required for graduation and generally taken during the ninth grade year. This class is a culmination of the study of wellness and health facts, concepts, and attitudes covered in grades K-8. Topics presented during this class are in the area of physical, mental/emotional, and social health. Students are active participants in acquiring life long skills preparing them for healthy lifestyles by utilizing the decision making process to plan life long strategies. 
For AP/IB Psychology or IB Psychology Year 2 or Advisory; please visit the respective links. 

 Health Course Topics
Health and Wellness
Mental and Emotional Health
Violence Prevention
Food and Nutrition
Alcohol, Tobacco and Drugs
Human Sexuality
 For more information see the Class Curriculum Map link. 


Family & Consumer Sciences Department

“When Health is absent, wisdom cannot reveal itself, art cannot manifest, strength cannot fight, wealth becomes useless, and intelligence cannot be applied.” Herophilos




Joseph R Bento
Room:   131       Phone: (425) 204-3467
Education: Bachelor of Science, University of Idaho
Master of Education, City University
NBCT (National Board Certified Teacher)
Class Site:


_____Course Description

Health is a one-semester course required for graduation and generally taken during the ninth grade year. This class is a culmination of the study of wellness and health facts, concepts, and attitudes covered in grades K-8. Topics presented during this class are in the area of physical, mental/emotional, and social health. Students are active participants in acquiring life long skills preparing them for healthy lifestyles by utilizing the decision making process to plan life long strategies.


A 94-100 4.0
A- 90-93.99 3.7
B+ 87-89.99 3.3
B 84-86.99 3.0
B- 80-83.99 2.7
C+ 77-79.99 2.3
C 74-76.99 2.0
C- 70-73.99 1.7
D+ 64-69.99 1.3
D 60-63.99 1.0
F 0-59.99 0.0



Bronson and Merki, Glencoe Health: A Guide to Wellness. New York, New York. McGraw Hill, 2006.

Bronson-Merki, Mary. Glencoe Human Sexuality. New York, New York. McGraw Hill. 2006.



The same as for every other class: you need to have pens, pencils, workbook, and composition book every day unless specifically told that you do not need to bring these things. If missing materials become an issue, disciplinary measures will be implemented. 


_____Course Topics

1. Wellness Through Health

2. Mental and Emotional

3. Fitness and Nutrition

4. Substance Use and Abuse

5. Sexual Health

6. CPR/First Aid


“Those who dream by night, in the dusty recesses of their minds wake in the day to find that all was vanity; but the dreamers of the day are dangerous men, for they may act their dream with open eyes, and make it possible.”


_____Grading Categories


Projects and Leadership—25%


  • Quizzes
  • Tests
  • CBAs
  • Essays
  • Homework
  • Power of One
  • Composition Book
  • Workbooks


_____Class Success

Your Partner (Buddy System): You are expected to “buddy up” with another student, that’s why you sit in pairs/groups. Get their telephone number or email, and when you miss a class, call or email them to find out what we did in class that day. Get your buddy’s notes. You are part of a classroom full of students, and it is expected that you cooperate and help each other out. Class cannot be re-taught for you, but sometimes, a buddy can give you the highlights in a few minutes.   

Note-taking: You will have to take notes. Nobody has a perfect memory and taking notes will help anchor knowledge in your mind. You will also be allowed to use your notes on some tests and quizzes. You may be allowed to bring in your notes, use them during the test, and turn them in for extra credit. Finally, you might have a buddy depending on your notes – just as you might have to depend on your buddy’s notes one day. If you don’t know how to take notes – no problem. ASK! 

Handouts/Workbooks: Copies will be made for each student. If you lose yours, you will not get another copy until you make arrangements with your teacher to attend Homework Lab to redo all of your work. These assignments may also be posted on the school website on your health teacher classroom web page. 

Homework: You will receive a Health Homework workbook will your homework assignments for every unit. Complete the homework for each unit and turn it in the day of your unit test.

Understand this: we all have a life outside school. But boyfriends, girlfriends, after school jobs, sports – they all will take a backseat to school. Take responsibility.

_____Redoing Assignments

Students will be asked to redo assignments to improve their grade. Students are expected to re-do any assignments that does not meet standards for “passing.” Students will have 1 week from the time it is graded to redo and resubmit.

A healthy attitude is contagious but don't wait to catch it from others. Be a carrier.


_____Making-Up Assignments

It is up to the student to find out what the missing assignments are and to turn it in.

What to Do When You Missed a Class:

  • Check the website.
  • Copy the missing work from the board. 
  • See me for handouts or assignments.
  • Talk to your buddy. Get the information you missed from them.


_____Late Work

Students will receive an appropriate amount of time to complete assignments that are to be done in class. Therefore, for an assignment to be considered on time, students must have the assignment to turn in at the moment it’s collected. Anything turned in afterward will be considered late. Which means:

  1. It will be ineligible to receive an “A”
  2. Late assignments cannot be “redone” for a better grade.


_____Academic Honesty/Cheating

Part of character education is Integrity. Academic dishonesty occurs when students obtain or assist others in obtaining credit for work which is not their own. My consequence for this is no credit for the assignment. Each student in my class is expected to perform the work assigned and resist peer pressure to violate:

  • Copying or duplicating assignments that will be turned in as your own.
  • Exchange assignments electronically by printing, email or transfer & submitting them as yours
  • Writing codes and or key words on objects or skin to use on an assessment.
  • Using hidden papers or sheets during a test.
  • Exchanging answers with others (giving or receiving) during an assignment or assessment
  • Allowing another student to copy one’s homework, assignment, or assessment
  • Submitting material written or designed by someone else without giving the author/artist name and or source (plagiarizing, or submitting work created by family, friends or tutors)
  • Taking credit for group work, when little contribution was made.


_____Basic Classroom Rules

  1. School rules: If it is a school rule, it is a classroom rule.  Please refer to the student handbook if there are any questions.
  2. Responsibility: You are responsible for your everyday supplies: books, notebook, paper, pens and pencils.  You are also responsible for all assignments in my class.  Attendance and punctuality are essential for success and are your responsibility.  If you do have to miss a day, you are responsible for your missed work within five school days.
  3. Respect: I treat all of my students with respect, and I expect the same directed towards this class, your classmates, and me.



You will always have an assigned seat. I will change your seat if I feel that it becomes necessary. If you have a problem such as you cannot see the board or you are sitting next to somebody you just know you will talk to all the time in class, see me. Until then, you will sit in your assigned seat.

“To enjoy good health, to bring true happiness to one's family, to bring peace to all, one must first discipline and control one's own mind. If a man can control his mind he can find the way to Enlightenment, and all wisdom and virtue will naturally come to him.” Buddha


_____Basic Expectations

My classroom behavior will reflect a business-like attitude. I will be responsible for developing and maintaining good work/study habits which are conductive to a pleasant and business-like learning environment for the enjoyment and benefit of all students.

  • Electronics shouldn’t be out/used
  • Attend class & be on time & work
  • Use appropriate language in the class
  • Leave an orderly, clean work area
  • Be respectful
  • Leave food & drink outside the class


_____Tardy Policy

A student is tardy when they are not in their seat when the bell rings. Tardiness can be made up by coming after school for 30 minutes, for every 3 tardies. Consequences for not making up tardies will result in referrals. Cumulated tardies will also result in referrals.


_____Hall Passes

Students need to be in class in order to learn. Even though Renton High School is a large school, there is plenty of time to get from one side of campus to another without being late. Use your 5 minutes between classes and lunch wisely. It is the student’s responsibility to have their hall passes with them in order to go to the bathroom.  Hall passes will be restricted based on teacher discretion. Students are also not permitted to leave the classroom during the first and last 10 minutes of class.


_____Consequences (Minor Offenses)

  1. Verbal Warning
  2. Student Conversation
  3. Lunch Detention
  4. Phone Call Home

_____Consequences (Major Offenses)

  1. Office Referral


STUDENTS: I have read this classroom syllabus and understand the rules, assignments, consequences, and expectations. If I have any questions, comments or concerns I will ask my health teacher for assistance.

*It is expected that this syllabus remain in your composition book where you can refer to it as needed.*


Student Signature__________________________________________Date________________­­­­­­­__________


Student Printed Name ____________________________________________________________________


PARENT/GUARDIAN: My Student has discussed the syllabus with me. I understand and will support you, your class, and your rules. If I have any questions I will call the health teacher at Renton High School.


Signature____________________________ Date__________________ Phone _______________________


Printed Name ___________________________________________________________________________


Email _________________________________________________________________________________


Course Summary:

Date Details Due