Analyzing Point of View and Perspective

  • Due Nov 30, 2021 at 11:59pm
  • Points 3
  • Questions 6
  • Available until Dec 3, 2021 at 11:59pm
  • Time Limit None
  • Allowed Attempts Unlimited


Analyzing Point of View and Perspective

Now that you know how to identify a point of view, let's spend some time analyzing how it influences a perspective. 


  1. Re-read the beginning of your short story (or continue reading it if you did not finish it).
  2. As you read, pay attention to the point of view and how it affects the way you experience the story.
  3. When you're ready, answer the following questions (in this quiz): 

- What is the type and level of point of view in this story? Find a piece of direct evidence that demonstrates this.

- Do you feel like the perspective in this short story is coming from the main character, or some outside force? Why or why not?

- How do you think this story would be different if it had a different point of view?

You will need:

  • Your short story (you can access a digital copy here if you need it) & something to mark-up your text with
  • Your Reflection on POV (you summarized your reflection here)
    • 11-17 Reflection-1.png



POV influence 1.png

POV influence 2.png

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